This blog has been created for me to regularly demonstrate my thoughts and what I have learnt about Future Trends and Emerging Technologies

Saturday 30 June 2012


Welcome to my blog.
As I have just created this in preperation for the Future Trends and emerging Technologies, I thought I may as well write my first post while I am here.
I have slightly mixed feelings about doing this course. The first one is excitement as it is the last one I need to do to get my diploma in Knowledge and Emerging Technology and the second emotion I feel is weariness as I feel like, after 2 years of study, that I am starting to lack the energy and motivation to keep me going.
I have, so far, done really well in all the courses I have done for this Diploma and the last course I did you could definately tell that my motivation was lacking as my grades were nowhere near as good as what they have been for all the other courses I have done.
So hopefully, with fingers crossed I can keep it up for this last course.
I look forward to reading my classmates blogs.

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