This blog has been created for me to regularly demonstrate my thoughts and what I have learnt about Future Trends and Emerging Technologies

Monday 3 September 2012


Luddites, a social movement of 19th-century English textile artisans who protested against the changes produced by the Industrial Revolution, which replaced them with less-skilled, low-wage labour, leaving them without work and changing their way of life.

You can understand why the Luddites smashed the new machines which were replacing the workers.
Its a hard life when you are stuggling to feed and clothe your family and when you lose your job because of a machine which replaces you of course you would want to take action against it.

This is something that happens all the time. Not just workers being replaced by machines but also by companies gettting there products made overseas, in places like Taiwan and China, to cut costs. you put the words "Manufacturing in China" in Google and get lists of websites, such as and, who can help you with finding the right manufacturer for your product and most of them mention the cost savings you can have.
Even when you ring a big company in New Zealand, the phone gets answered by someone in India, which I have always found frustrating as I am always repeating what I am saying and asking them to repeat what they are saying as we never seem to understand what the other has said.
But do the companies care?
Because they are saving themselves money by having their customers enquiries answered by someone in India.

People are being replaced by computers and machines all the time and the reason always is more about the company saving more money than anything else.
At the end of the day most business' and companies are obsessed about making money and if there is a way that they can save money, they will do it.

1 comment:

  1. interesting topic, Kristjana - hmmm maybe society needs Ludditism (or is it Luddism? ;-) ) as a counterbalance to the rampant "Greed Is Good" capitalism that sees multinational corporations that can play entire nations off against each other?

    I think that now, as then, technology is a scapegoat for our failures as a society.
